Friday, November 21, 2008

channel one news 11/21/08

Extra Cash

A lot of buisenness are hirering right now. Tons of teens want to look for jobs to get extra money for the holidays. Some stores are looking for more people that are creative.


They cut a record for the first time in a long while.


The people are trying to bring the troops home.

Dad is the president

Obama's kids are going to the white house to live. There is a movie theatre, Pool, and own kitchen. It is different for them because there is security guards guarding you all the time.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

channel one news 11/11/08

Loss Of Jobs

This year over 1 million people have lost their jobs.There are a lot of people at the shelters living dbecause they lost thier jobs and they live in tents that they made home


Girls with TV can mostly not do anything. A boy has TV and doesn't spend much time with his family.

Veterans Day

Megans mother and her is going to join the army There are more than 23 milion veterans in the world

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

channel one news 11/4/2008

Election day

Not just the candidates that are a the election. Obama is trying to win the red states. Kit Newman Decided to skip some classes to go home and vote. David is going for John McCain. Kit is going for Obama. Kit thinks Obama can go for it and do it.

Hurricane Ike

It has more than a month since hurricane Ike has struck. People are still suffering today.

Pregnet women

Teens are more likely to get pregenet for watching TV shows about pregenet women or women getting pregnet.

Soccer player that died in war

Nick loved playing soccer when he was little and now he went into the war. Nick's dad was going to send soccer balls to him until he died. So a lot of people sent soccer balls for him that is called kick for Nick.